Leading Tomorrow

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Important factor about a Game Turner

  • First Have a faith and trust your process.
  • Strong Mindset
  • Confidence Level beyond Par
  • believe in you....
  • and only you
  • never loose hope,never-ever
  • Inspiring always yourself
  • Everything is possible in this life.

Cricket might be just a sport for somebody,but it is a passion for me I connect with a soul and give her 106% everyday to them.You can find young kids playing cricket on the streets,I am also one of them but I desperately want to achieve top level of greatness in this field. I know there were so many obstacles that I will going through.But i will always ready for that. I know my strength and ability and also my weaKNESS which I will try to improve with a time.No matter what time will taken by me to achive that top level of success,but I always say,I will ready for that with 106% of my efforts. Sometimes you will get demotivated and think about those bla bla things that I cannot do that,{mere se ni ho paeyga},such type of things. But trust me, believe me:Once Ab deviliers said,You do not achive greatness if you dont see all the obstacles of your life.So believe in your inner strength,Believe in you. And last as I always say You have to also think about your parent{maa-papa},what difficulty they faced for your equipment{mai bta ni skta}.My mother and father is first god for me just like Vasudev krishna. So dont worry mom and pop,ones the day will come'when you feel proud for your discipline that you both gave me and I will make your efforts to the right and in positive direction.I am blessed that you both are my part of life. And for World and for Whole Universe I only want to say one thing"Just remember my name-YUVRAJ ROHIT,one day you will see me as a game turner in the field of Cricket by[2027].And I will end up with a "One of the greatest in the field of Cricket" So you just have to only remember my name-YUVRAJ ROHIT. I am coming. Shukriya.





What is program?

A computer program is a sequence or set of instructions in a programming language for a computer to execute. Computer programs are one component of software, which also includes documentation and other intangible components. A computer program in its human-readable form is called source code.

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